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Skiplino Queue Management System


5 Ways Service Scheduler Software Can Optimize Your Time
17 Apr 2024

5 Ways Service Scheduler Software Can Optimize Your Time

We’re going to begin this article with a bold, yet painfully true statement: As a business owner, there is no resource more valuable to you than time. Think about it. [...]

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What is Customer Service? Hint: Business Success Depends On It
6 Feb 2023

What is Customer Service? Hint: Business Success Depends On It

Let’s begin this article with a bold statement. Having great customer service is the most important aspect of running a successful business, regardless of industry. Think about it. When was the last time you received great customer service? How did you feel after you walked out of that establishment? Maybe you purchased a digital product […]

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What Does Queued Mean? Definition, History, and More [GUIDE]
6 Feb 2023

What Does Queued Mean? Definition, History, and More [GUIDE]

How much do you know about waiting in line? On the one hand, everyone does it. From cafeteria lunch lines to grocery store waits, people have been standing in lines their whole lives. At this point, you only need to see a line stretching out before a store to immediately know there’s going to be […]

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Schedule Book – How to Book More Business with Scheduling Software
6 Feb 2023

Schedule Book – How to Book More Business with Scheduling Software

Let’s start with something we can certainly all agree on. Running a successful business leaves you with little to no time to yourself.  Think about it. The onus is on you to ensure your employees have everything they need to succeed in their positions. And if you’re a solopreneur, the stress levels can be even […]

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Top 5 Ways Online Booking Systems Can Grow Your Business
6 Feb 2023

Top 5 Ways Online Booking Systems Can Grow Your Business

First impressions matter. Princeton psychologists found that people’s first snap judgement of others tends to stick, even after learning more information. These snap judgements can settle in before we’re conscious of them, creating a lasting impact on how we view things. For a business, that very first impression can make or break your chances at […]

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Telemedicine Software – Tips On Choosing The Right Provider
6 Feb 2023

Telemedicine Software – Tips On Choosing The Right Provider

It’s no secret that the medical industry is constantly changing. Medicine is undergoing transformation, propelled by advancing technology. The way medical professionals arrange appointments is shifting from traditional approaches to a more modern, digital method. And what about interactions with patients? After all, some patients are unable to see a medical professional on a regular […]

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7 Reasons To Use Medical Appointment Scheduling Software
6 Feb 2023

7 Reasons To Use Medical Appointment Scheduling Software

For your average patient, a trip to the doctor’s office is an inherently stressful experience. You’re setting aside time in your day, receiving a physical check-up, and potentially learning unsavory truths about your health. On top of that, there’s the waiting. Making an appointment the traditional way means calling ahead, booking an appointment, arriving early […]

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Choosing an Online Scheduling Assistant – Our Top 5 Picks
6 Feb 2023

Choosing an Online Scheduling Assistant – Our Top 5 Picks

Let’s kick this off with a bold, yet truthful statement: Traditional appointment scheduling sucks. It’s inefficient, it’s a task that requires a staff member to constantly be present, and it can even affect your bottom line when you consider that there are better ways to handle your appointment scheduling. As a business owner, whether a […]

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Improve Patient Experience With Medical Appointment Reminder Apps
6 Feb 2023

Improve Patient Experience With Medical Appointment Reminder Apps

Did you know that more than half (53%) of patients have left a doctor’s appointment after waiting too long? Emotions can run high even during something as simple as a routine check-up or a brief wellness appointment. That’s why bad waiting experiences are more likely to stress patients out at a health facility. Patients’ no-showing […]

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Implement A Smarter Queue During The Pandemic [Key Considerations]
6 Feb 2023

Implement A Smarter Queue During The Pandemic [Key Considerations]

The new normal. A new reality. Challenging times. If you got a penny each time someone used a euphemism like that for the pandemic, you could be quarantined in a beach house right now. Adaptation is the name of the game. People have scrambled to reorganize their livelihoods while businesses adjust to continue serving their […]

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